We promote benefits of informal education, especially of teaching for critical thinking.


In the words of German philosopher Leonard Nelson, the secret of philosophy lies in, ironically, forcing minds to freedom. Since 2009, our association through workshops, lectures and projects aims to free minds from dogmas, false opinions and misconceptions.



We are an NGO based in Zadar, Croatia, working mainly in the field of education. Coming from various academical backgrounds, our team’s goal is the same - promoting benefits of informal education, philosophy in practice, and most importanly - critical thinking.




Through years of working on local, interregional and European projects such as Erasmus+, we’ve gathered a small but important online library of textbooks, courses, tools, modules and learning materials that we’ve developed together with many of our partners.


We are proud to announce that we are entering 2025 as beneficiaries of the institutional support of the National Foundation for Civil Society Development for the stabilization and/or development of NGO’s. Guided by our Strategic Plan and the Instructions on the use of funds approved for the implementation of financial support, the association will use the approved funds for the improvement and stabilization of the organization.