Duration: 03/09/2018 – 02/09/2020
Bioethical Education and Attitude Guidance for Living Environment or BEAGLE is a bioethical project funded and approved by the European Union, which brings together international partners from the Mediterranean Pool with the aim of promoting open education and innovative educational practices. The idea that drives this project forward is that recent rapid development of technology requires a new approach to teaching – education systems and professors are struggling to keep up with new technical capabilities, and the purpose of the project is to provide educators with a methodological framework and guidelines that will help them with introducing innovative practices in the contemporary environment. On the other hand, same as teachers, students are trying to keep up with the contemporary surroundings, surroundings which suppress the relationship with the environment, more precisely with the nature. BEAGLE's partners are motivated to believe that bioethical values and critical thinking are crucial elements, now more than ever, of the development of a democratic, pluralistic, ecologically aware open society, which is why the focus of general education should be shifted on these elements. The BEAGLE project, therefore, as the primary user of this project sees students (6 to 18 years old) equally as teachers.
Project coordinator:
Association “Petit philosophy” (Croatia)
Encouraging faster implementation of innovative methods
Assisting teachers in implementing higher order skills, especially critical thinking
Improving the development of teaching staff
Developing bioethical values and critical thinking in students
Promoting practical application of educational strategies
Optimizing the exchange of experiences
Linking all teachers and educators across an open platform
Main activities:
Organizing and conducting bioethical workshops
Developing concrete guidelines for bioethical education
Developing a transnational school curriculum for bioethical education
Revising the current representation of bioethical values and critical thinking in schools
Developing the BEAGLE online archive and bioethical education network
Target groups:
Teachers and other educators in early education
Schools, kindergartens and other educational institutions (museums, libraries…)
Primary school and high school students
Total value of the project:
134.839,00 € (funded by the Erasmus+ K2, Croatia Agency for mobility)
Marija Kragic (
for environmental computing
Below presented infographics were developed as a part of a workshop dedicated to Environmental Computing. Although they can be used and studied separately from the workshop, we recommend taking a look into the original educational source, available here on English, and available on Croatian, Italian and Slovenian as well, as a part of our Beagle workshops for classroom, explained in detail in the next section.
Infographics also available as merged PDF document, free to view, download and use in:
English, Croatian, Italian, and Slovenian.
2. BEAGLE workshops for classroom
3. beagle picture books
The set of BEAGLE educational picture books was developed as an interactive multipurpose didactical tool. The book is published online, easily downloadable in PDF formatting, and free for use. These open educational resources are a result of the second intellectual output of the project BEAGLE – Bioethical Education and Attitude Guidance for Living Environment. Click on the button bellow to access these materials!